What does air quality have to do with us? How does air pollution affect people?
Have you ever wonder, why people often see lots of air quality related things in these few years, and what does this have to do with us? In this article, I will tell you about the harm and impact of pollution and the importance of maintaining good air quality. We hope that through the following information, you can better understand the purpose of maintaining good air quality.
“All things in the environment are closely related to human beings, and every choice we make in life will be a factor in changing the world, the changed world will in turn to change us.”
In these pass years, air quality has gradually become an important concern in Taiwan (or also around the world), people have begun to promote environmental protection issues, so that more people can pay attention to the problem of air pollution. Maintaining good air quality can not only contribute to the environment, but can also further change the quality of life, our own health, and living things around.
Impact of Air Pollution
The deterioration of human health caused by poor air quality is widespread, which mainly affects the heart and lung systems, and the impact of air pollution on the types of pollutants inhaled by each person, exposure, personal health status and genetic factors etc, the response will be different.
According to the information written above, air pollution can bring a lot of influence to people. The health problems that air pollution can cause may include dyspnea, asthma, cough, wheezing, and even aggravate existing respiratory and cardiopulmonary diseases. Chronic inhalation of highly polluted air can lead to a range of other serious health problems, including respiratory infections, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke and lung cancer. The World Health Organization has also proposed that such problems caused by air pollution have greatly increased people's demand for medication, and the mortality rate may also increase.
In addition, air pollution can have a dramatic impact on ecosystems. As mentioned in other articles, there are many tiny suspended particles in the polluted air, and these particles such as smoke and dust in the air will cover the surface of the leaves of the plants, resulting in the reduction of sunlight absorbed by the plants, thus reducing the effect of photosynthesis. efficiency. Other water soluble in the air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc., will also form acid rain, acid fog, acid snow, or directly melt into water bodies (hubo, streams), reduce the pH of water and soil, make Plants and aquatic life die. Such severe damage will also spread to the atmosphere, leading to global warming and ozone depletion. Therefore, maintaining good air quality is a responsibility that cannot be ignored for people.
維基媒體專案貢獻者. “空氣污染.” Wikipedia.org, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 15 Apr. 2004, zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E7%A9%BA%E6%B0%A3%E6%B1%A1%E6%9F%93#%E5%BD%B1%E9%9F%BF.
Citron-Fink, Ronnie. “Air Pollution Is the Greatest Risk to Children’s Health.” Moms Clean Air Force, 13 Jan. 2020, www.momscleanairforce.org/air-pollution-greatest-human-health-risk/.